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Spikey green durian's cracked open revealing red and white insides.


Durian season

This large, pungent fruit is a seasonal favourite for orangutans and has many benefits.

Durians piled up high on top of each other
An adult female orangutan eating durian fruit
An adult male orangutan with three durians, one in each and and another in front of him as he eats them.
orangutan hand holding durian close up
orangutan hand holding durian close up
orangutan hand on durian close up
Sample of durian gift for the orangutans certificate with a orangutan eating durian.

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    Orangutan facts

    Orangutans are one of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom sharing almost 97% DNA!

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    Research roundup ⭐

    Staying up to date on the latest research and ongoing efforts to protect and preserve the orangutan and its habitat. New resources will be added to this page regularly.