Education & outreach
We're dedicated to raising awareness and fostering support for orangutans through education.
Education & Outreach Programme
Our education and community outreach programmes are an essential part of conservation. They increase awareness and understanding of the importance of orangutans and their habitat, help to develop positive attitudes, empower communities to contribute towards conservation efforts, and help inspire the next generation.
Our team at Sepilok visit schools and local communities, carrying out a range of activities and talks. We work alongside other local wildlife conservation organisations such as the Sabah Wildlife Department, Sabah Forestry Department, Danau Girang Field Centre, Seratu Atai and the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre. Being part of a wider network allows us to pool resources and deliver a consistent conservation message.

Online educational resources
We utilise a number of social media platforms where our visually engaging and informative posts reach a global audience of over 22 thousand supporters. In addition, our education & resources page offers articles that cover a range of topics related to orangutans, their habitats, and the challenges they face.
To ensure that our message is accessible to local communities in Borneo, we are in the process of developing a Malay website that provides resources and updates in Bahasa Malay, enhancing our outreach and impact.

Orangutan adoptions
We pride ourselves on the contents of our adoption packs, which are both fun and educational. Each orangutan's story and update includes information about the chosen individual, as well as facts and anecdotes about the species. Packs also include our newsletter, another educational tool that's published bi-annually, and a colourful fact sheet.

Liaison Officer
Their role is to help raise awareness and educate visitors at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre about the plight of the orangutan and the importance of conservation. With nearly 140,000 visitors a year*, they are able to engage with an extensive audience from countries across the world.
Visitors are given a brief presentation, followed by a viewing of our educational film called 'Man of the Forest'. This ensures that the education journey of visitors to Sepilok starts as soon as they arrive. Our Liaison Officer is on-hand throughout the day in various locations to tell people more about the orangutans and answers any questions.
*based on 2019 visitor numbers

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Projects in the field
Orangutan rehabilitation
Rescued orangutans at Sepilok undergo a five-step rehabilitation programme to increase their chances of returning to the wild.
Projects in the field
Rescue & reintroduction
We aid the rescue and reintroduction of orphaned, displaced and injured orangutans, as well as those who are victims of the illegal wildlife trade.