Protective X-ray aprons donated in memory of Stephen Matthews
Stephen’s wife Tracey and their friends and family wanted to contribute to the orangutans in Steve’s memory.
X-ray developer
In 2016 Orangutan Appeal UK were pleased to have been able to purchase an x-ray developer for the veterinary clinic at Sepilok Rehabilitation Centre. This machine means that veterinary staff no longer have to travel the long distance to the human hospital and can view x-rays immediately, on site. This has led to much quicker diagnosis’s and treatment for sick and injured orangutans and other wildlife from the surrounding area.
Lead aprons and gloves are required to shield staff from radiation when using the x-ray machine and the staff were in desperate need of new protective equipment to allow them to use the machine safely. If an animal is not sedated up to three members of the team may have to be in the room to ensure the animals’ safety and wellbeing. The other sets of aprons which Sepilok had were old and starting to degrade so we wanted to source funding for some more.
We can gratefully announce that two more new aprons have now been purchased thanks to a generous donation made in memory of Stephen Matthews.
Stephen had dreamed about visiting Borneo to see the orangutans but very sadly passed away in 2017 before he was able to visit. Stephen’s wife Tracey and their friends and family wanted to contribute to the orangutans in Steve’s memory. Therefore they kindly made a donation to purchase the vital protective equipment for Sepilok. The aprons have now been presented to the Sepilok team who are thrilled.

Tracey Matthews said ‘I'm very humbled to hear that we have been able to provide to such a worthwhile cause in Steve's memory… I hope to visit Borneo in the future in Steve's honour’
Photo of Stephen taken in May 2017

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