Our new website and logo are here!
Helping us to increase awareness and reach out to new supporters, while continuing to engage with our existing community more effectively.
Orangutan Appeal UK
Orangutan Appeal UK has grown a lot over 23 years, becoming an established, well-respected orangutan conservation charity. This is thanks to our hardworking team at the world-famous Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre and to the thousands of supporters across the globe who share our vision.
It is because of you that we are able to implement such positive changes to help conserve the critically endangered Bornean orangutan. Thank you!
Brand refresh
What's changed?
Our decision to embark on this brand refresh was driven by our commitment to increase awareness and reach out to new supporters who share our passion for orangutan conservation, while continuing to engage with our existing supporters more effectively.
With a new, more accessible website and an updated logo we are able to clearly explain who we are and what we do.
What isn't changing
- Our name: Orangutan Appeal UK
- Our mission, vision and values
- Our projects
Based on your feedback
We've created a more user-friendly, inclusive and informative website thanks to the invaluable feedback from our dedicated supporters.
Our commitment to ensuring that everyone can easily access our content and resources is at the core of this change, allowing us to reach an even broader audience and make a more significant impact on our mission.
Making our website more accessible, so that it can be used by as many people as possible, was a contributing factor in our need for change. Our goal is to meet the web content accessibility guidelines on all our content where possible.
If you notice any issues regarding accessibility on our website get in touch via our contact us page.
What's new?
With our new, refreshed brand we have made changes to our adoption packs, which we have been excitedly waiting to show you.
Our adoption pack cover features a photo taken by artist and chair of the charity, Jacha Potgieter. Inside the pack is our new fact sheet, printed onto the folder with more fun facts with illustrations.
Our supporter newsletter has a fresh new look and is now called 'Call of the wild'. With new adoptions, there is the option to include a sustainable orangutan soft toy, made from 100% recycled plastic bottles.
Educational resources
One of our main responsibilities as a conservation charity is to educate people on the importance of conserving the orangutan and its rainforest home. We do this through our projects on the ground in Borneo, educational talks at schools and community groups in person and online, and through our social media channels.
With our new website, we have taken the opportunity to expand this further, with educational resources available on our site to help teach information about orangutans, their habitat and what threats they face. Click the link below to view our new page.
If you currently use our logo as part of a fundraising campaign or on a website please contact so that we can provide you with a high-quality version of our logo.
Explore more articles
A year in review: 2024
2024 was a busy and productive year made possible by our incredible supporters, volunteers and dedicated staff. Here are some of our highlights from the year.
Planting fig trees at Sepilok
We have purchased and planted 100 fig trees for the orangutans at Sepilok, and you could help us cover the cost.
Orangutan Caring Week 2024
An annual event aimed at raising awareness of the plight of the orangutan and the action people can take to protect them.