Bill Wiggins MP hosts conservation event on behalf of Orangutan Appeal UK
OuTrop Directors, Dr Mark Harrison and Susan Cheyne, were delighted to attend a recent event at the UK House of Commons, hosted by Bill Wiggins MP on behalf of the Orangutan Appeal UK.
House of Commons
OuTrop Directors, Dr Mark Harrison and Susan Cheyne, were delighted to attend a recent event at the UK House of Commons, hosted by Bill Wiggins MP on behalf of the Orangutan Appeal UK. As well as MPs, the event was also attended by leading figures in conservation and natural history media, including Bill Oddie OBE, Ian Redmond OBE and Prof. George McGavin. The Palace of Westminster where the UK Houses of Parliament sit is one of the world's most iconic buildings, and the House of Commons provided a fantastic venue for the event.
The evening began with an introductory talk by Mr Wiggin MP, during which he shared his personal motivations for supporting the event and orangutan conservation.
This was followed by a presentation by OAUK's Founder and Chairperson, Sue Sheward MBE, whose dedication to the cause since founding OAUK in 2001 is remarkable (and the reason for her MBE award by the Queen!). The OAUK's primatologist gave an in-depth review of the various impressive projects OAUK supports and runs, before further talks and a peek preview of a new TV documentary starring OAUK was given.

We are proud that the work of OuTrop and the CIMTROP Community Patrol Team in fighting fires and protecting the orangutan population of the Sabangau Forest featured prominently in the event, providing an excellent platform to promote these activities to an influential audience. The meeting also provided the opportunity to meet existing and new friends and supporters and overall was a resounding success.

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