Got a question?
Get in touch
We want be with you on every step of your fundraising journey. Please reach out if you have any queries or concerns during your campaign. Read through our FAQ's below or contact us today.
Fundraising FAQ's
If you can't find the answer to your question below, please email Hannah at fundraising@orangutan-appeal.org.uk and she will do her best to help.
Do you offer an on-line sponsorship facility?
Yes, you can find Orangutan Appeal UK on www.justgiving.com and Facebook.
Can you send me a sponsorship form?
Yes, please email Hannah at fundraising@orangutan-appeal.org.uk. She can email you one or provide your address for a hard copy in the post.
Can I use the Orangutan Appeal UK logo on my fundraising materials / product / website?
Yes but please adhere to the guidelines laid out in the Fundraising Pack. You must not change the logo in any way and you must ensure you represent Orangutan Appeal UK correctly.
Can I claim Gift Aid on the funds I have raised?
To claim Gift Aid on your fundraising, we must have the first name or initials, last name, full home address and postcode of each individual donor/sponsor. So please encourage them to tick the Gift Aid box on your sponsorship form when they sponsor you. Without these details we legally can't claim Gift Aid. If you are using an online fundraising platform, gift aid will automatically be claimed from your eligible supporters.
How do I donate the funds I have raised?
Paying in your donation is simple. You can pay it online via the Donations page on our website or post us a cheque payable to Orangutan Appeal UK.
Our postal address is Orangutan Appeal UK (Fundraising), New Forest Estate Offices, Lyndhurst Road, Brockenhurst, Hampshire, SO42 7RL.
Funds from fundraising pages are donated to us automatically.
Can Orangutan Appeal UK provide me with merchandise to sell?
Unfortunately not. We are a very small charity so we ask for you to purchase the merchandise from us first and then you may sell it on. Please note we are not able to refund items you have been unable to sell.
Can I do a street collection?
You may need to obtain a licence before organising a street collect dependent on your local council. This also includes the collection of money in public places e.g. a shop doorway or car park.
If you wish to collect in a pub or local supermarket you will need written permission from the landlord/manager. All collectors must be over the age of 16.
For UK collectors please visit www.gov.uk/street-collection-l... to find out the licence requirements in your area.
Can Orangutan Appeal UK provide me with insurance for my event?
No, we are not able to provide insurance. Please make sure that you have proper insurance to cover your event. This may be covered by the venue but you should check this in advance.
Is there a certain amount of money I need to raise?
Any amount of money you can raise can make a difference. We are grateful for any amount no matter how small. By organising a fundraising event you are also creating awareness and spreading the word of the plight of the orangutan – this is vitally important
If you are taking part in one of the more popular running events such as the Great North Run and want a guaranteed place we do ask that you pay a registration fee (to cover part of the cost of the place), and commit to raising a minimum amount of sponsorship.
Minimum sponsor amounts can vary between the different events. We pay for these places in advance and they are often in high demand. We need to know that you will really commit to helping the charity. For details of particular events email Hannah on fundraising@orangutan-appeal.org.uk
Can I get resources to help promote my fundraising event?
You can find resources such as posters and sponsorship forms in the downloadable fundraising pack.
We are happy to send you orangutan photos and newsletters if you would like to display these or hand out to friends and family to encourage them to support you. To request these please email Hannah on fundraising@orangutan-appeal.org.uk and we’ll be happy to send material out to you.
Fundraising resources
Contact us today for more information and support on your fundraising journey.